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Take my hand , take a breath . Pull me close , & take one step .

Take my hand , take a breath . Pull me close , & take one step .
;12 going thirteen' on 2612 Xishanite/Yishunite

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2010 desires!
remain in express for sec 3*
don't grow taller!!
gain weight to 45kg
everyone HAPPY :D
tops & bottoms
new bag
2E5 outing (:
dont always have headache!


Spam with pride(: .


1E5 Class blog


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Designer: Retarted%Jess.
Basecodes: !♥feelthatlov-e.
Resources: x O x

Friday, July 30, 2010, 12:11 AM

must say that this is the longest period
of time that i leave my blog dead =x hehes
anyway, am back from camp (: was tiring
but fun in overall. have tried many things that
have not tried before. kayaking, zipline,
milo pond etc. hahas. kind of missing the place.
lol. except for some, like the toilets and tents -.-
and insects! heng not many of the crawlies come
to find me ^^ oh, and have got sunburn, argh!
anyway, came straight home after reaching the
school. ate and now using the computer :D
havent packed my stuffs yet :/ shall start later.
hahas. end here le, byee!

Monday, June 14, 2010, 10:38 PM

Holidays are left with only 2 weeks,
infact, less than that. haizz. time just
zoom pass us. i dont even know what
have i been doing for the past weeks.
anyway, had started reading the 2nd book
for english. actually should be third already,
but the previous book i read, the ending is
like so weird == haizz. as for math is like
usual, somehow, i have not touch them -.-
but for now, i will try to read the storybook
fasterrrr. hahas. bye!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 9:10 PM

here to post. hahas. havent been updating =x
so hows your holidays? dont really enjoy mine =p
anyway, went for haircut, now look like auntie liao
lol. veryvery short . argh!! hope it can grow faster.
im stucked at homework, haizz. dont know how
to continue. maths is like done a few questions only.
maybe i shall skip? haha. nothing much to post
about already. byes!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 12:11 AM

Look! JianLan's jie zuo :DD

The crabbie Jasmine & i caught! whoo!
but Jianlan killed it -.-
crabbie!!! wahahaha :D

beautiful sky for beautiful plane with beautiful fwends (:
[X] tht i found on th beach! ;D

Jasmine's and mine <3


th big crabbie jasmine caught, in this stupid styrofoam cup!

first time ver we three take pic tgt, so touching (':

lastly, i wanna say I LOVE JASMINE LIM YING XIN!!

Monday, May 31, 2010, 11:32 PM

so its the 5th day of holiday already.
didnt actually do anything this few days.
but did some chinese homework. as for
the rest, havent touched yet ==
gonna start doing them later. anyway, i'm so
boredd now!!! really at lost of what to do.
and im still thinking of what to write here.
having a slight headache now, hopefully i
will be fine later. hahas. sick of panadol
already, had been consuming them dunnoe
since when -.- ending post here.

Saturday, May 22, 2010, 11:51 PM

shall talk about yesterday to east coast
suppose that it will be a long post?haha
went to meet jasmine under her blk first.
chatted and headed towards yishun interchange
to meet the rest. saw jiayan first, long time never
saw her le. then wait for her friends
after that went to her house to take all the food
and stuffs. its super heavy ==. went down and
took 858. didnt know that 858 could travel so far?
haha. got down at terminal 2 and took 36 bus.
the whole journey took 1hour plus. damn long ==
finally, reached east coast. everyone hungry? lol
jiayan rent a bycicle to help us put the food first.
reached the pit. but the bycicle chain thinggy loose.
so me and jasmine went all the way back again -.-
Fixed. so came back by the bycicle. haha. i think
its a rare chance for me to ride one. anyway, i sat
at the 2nd seat of the bycicle. it will be impossible for
me to ride the 1st one anyway. haha. had fun (:
bbq-ed. btw, its damn windy. jiayan came up with the idea
of using umbrella to block it. it works! but many
people cast weird glances -.- got one uncle stopped
and look. lol! -Skipped
went to have legspa. lol. but this time
round the water is not as cooling as last time. maybe
cause last time the weather is hotter. hehes.
chatted and learn about jasmine's life. haha. like xi ju
like that. after that went walking around?
she decided to catch crabbies later on. dont know where
she got the idea ==. k, saw a few but they keep crawling
away at a rapid speed. lol. but we manage to caught
one (: continued looking out when i saw jianlan walking
towards our pit. haha. call out to her and played. but
she let the crab ran away == dont even know if the crab
is alive ): she ran with the cup and dropped it ): lols
anyway, she went to bbq-ed so me and jas continue
the task to look for crabs == (want stop liao atually !)
finally after 20mins she found one.
went back to pit. played frisbee with jiayan's brother
and jianlan. damn funny they all . haha.
bbqed. sky getting darker.. decided to go home le. cause
its like 8 already.
thats when the unfortune startsss!!!!
heard from jiayan's dad to turn left. kept walking and walking
took like 25mins? finally reached a busstop. find it
weird as we saw a bus but its not comming any closer.
then got a person say because today east coast is holding a
100plus sprinting activity, so the bus will not pass by.
we are like shock -.- then another person say the another end
got a busstop == spent 25mins walking back. back to the
place where we first started the journey!! btw, we are walking
on a road or something? got cars de. but none offered help
one car even open their window and shouted 'Be Careful!!'
ungracious. lols. was like so tiredwalking continuosly ):
the lampposts at the side nvr seems to end. finally reached
the end but there aren't any busstops at all -.- by that time
its already 9:10. saw a taxi . the driver stopped to smoke.
asked wheather there is any busstops but got a answer
'no' == decided to take taxi home. thank god jianlan is there!
coz jianlan has got extra money at that time and so goes
to the driver cause he say taxi dont usually stop there. he
only went there to smoke. hahas. jianlan got off at khatib
first then me and jas at yishun. reached home at 10.25
anyway, overall is 不辛中的大辛? lols.
end post now, byee! (:

Monday, May 17, 2010, 9:23 PM

guess this is the first time ive not
updated my blog for so long. =p
its been more than one month since
i've done so. anyway, exam is finally over.
haha. what can i say about exams is that
overall was quite alright. will get some paper
back on thursday as tomorrow is marking day.
wonder how the teachers mark so fast. lol
had no idea what to do tomorrow, as well as
the remaining of the day today? haha
oh, and guess will tag people the other day.
kind of lazy now -.-
shall end post here, bye!